Monday, September 23, 2013

Create A Superhero!

My superhero is named Talia Tauber, often known as The Muse. She is a female humanoid shape shifter. She identifies as female, but because she is a shape shifter she can become any gender. Her birthplace is unknown; she was found floating in a boat in the area known as The Bermuda Triangle in 1983 when she was a baby. Her birth date is celebrated on the date she was found, December 21 1983. Talia was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Tauber and grew up in Florida, but has moved around a lot in her adult life. She was the perfect child growing up, but as she got older she began to encounter problems. She became ‘too’ popular wherever she went and people would become jealous of her and other’s attention toward her. As she grew, she was better able to understand and experiment with her powers. She ran away when she was 17 and lived a secluded life until she fully understood her powers. After her bad experiences, she vowed to live a normal life unless she was helping people. She now works as a librarian in a small town but will probably move soon, as she never feels at home where ever she is.

Talia is able to shape shift into any human form. She is also able to read minds and inspire or even persuade people. She rarely gets into people’s minds to change their thoughts, unless entirely necessary. The origins of her superpowers are unknown, but she has had them since birth. As she got older, they became more prevalent. Talia finds it difficult to control her powers in large groups of people. There have been mass breakouts of hysteria and riots because of her.  In her day to day life, Talia lives in a very average form. She tries to blend in and does not want to be noticed. The form that she appears to the people she helps is completely dependent on what they need to see. She does not have a ‘costume’ and she has been described by those that have seen her as ‘beauty incarnate’ but it is not always physical beauty.

Talia’s goals are to help everyday people. She wants to create a better world where more people are free to express their creativity and be self-confident. The villains that Talia must combat are advertisers, magazines, the beauty industry, and bureaucracies that try to stifle individuality and creativity. Superheroes are not part of the everyday thought of the people within Talia’s society. She herself is not ‘known’ as a superhero. She is often referenced by various people, but they do not understand that she is the same muse for everybody. If Talia were to become known as a superhero there could be various problems. One of them would be that everyone would want a piece of her. If she made herself known, she would have no life of her own, but be a slave to other people’s needs. Another potential problem that Talia fears is that if people knew that she was the one who inspired them, they might feel their thoughts about themselves or whatever it is they created are not genuine. This is not the case, however, as she does not inspire anything that is not already present in a person, she simply brings things out in people. 

Talia is necessary because she brings out the best in society. With corruption more visible than ever and cynical attitudes at an all-time high, Talia represents the ultimate truth in beauty, art, justice and love. Every time she inspires, even if it is simply self confidence in a really shy kid, she brings the world to slightly better place.  Without her, the corruption and mass ideals about beauty and creativity would strive and individual creativity would perish.  Talia’s true identity is put on a back-burner for the good of society. She does get to live a somewhat normal life, but it is not her true life in her true form. She gives up this life with the hope to create links through all class, gender and race issues so that everybody is seen for their true and personal worth despite ignorant cultural attitudes.

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